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Godfathers (episode 2)

Episode 2. in case you missed episode 1 click here
Jide became unconcious almost immediately, but before that, he opened his eye and ask his father why?
jide: daddy why? why? why daddy?
kayode: am sorry!!

6:00am in the morning.
bola went to jide's room
bola: jide wake up
jide: **no response**

bola went to her mum
bola: mummy, mummy!!
bola's mum: what is it?
bola: have been waking jide up for a while now but no response..
bola's mum ran to jide's room, only to find out that her son is dead, what a life? jide! jide! jide!! she called out, then she broke into tears. jide is dead. kayode got there, well, their is nothing he could do, his beloved son is dead!!
at midnight, he took the calabash to chief oyewusi
kayode: godfather this is it!!
chief oyewusi: kayode, you are now a man!! their are rules and regulations guiding this society, which you must not violate any of it, because if you do, its death!!
(1) you must come to meeting every nineth days of the month
(2) you must not make love to your wife on meeting days or when you are doing sacrifices..
(3) you must not allow anybody to enter to your shrine except you
(4) you must renew your rituals every 1year with three virgin ladies. your sacrifice must not exceed seven days
(5) when you want to sacrifice, make sure the ladies you will sleep with her virgins
(6) you must not sleep with the wife, family or anybody that is blood related to any member of this kingdom.
that is it, welcome to the kingdom of the chiefs and godfathers. hahahaha(laughing evilly)
kayode: granted godfather!!!
chief oyewusi: great godfathers!!
all: we are the greatest!!!!!
**they all disappeared**

1 year later
In front of sanchez global company.
kayode drove into the company in a white range rover sport with his bodyguards in a toyota hilux pick-up. guys in the toyota hilux quickly parked the car and ran towards the white range rover just to usher kayode out of the car. he highlighted from the car with six hefty men standing at his back with guns, they are his bodyguards.
he went in straight to the company and everybody stands to greet him, that means he is the owner of sanchez global company. how come?

two months ago
sanchez global company was owned by mr williams sanchez, a british man, who decided to set his company in nigeria. he layer went bankrupt, so he sold his company to kayode for just #50 million , kayode rebuild the empire, he decided not to change the name of the company..

What was the company all about?
the company is set up with a good security process, the glass windows are bullet proofs, the doors are also bullet proofs, cctv(closed circuit television) that can capture what's going on in three kilometers away, computer scanning door: for you to be able to enter, the door will scan you first so as to avoid smuggling of weapons, ammunitions, hard drugs or any other sorts of dangerous weapons. well the company is a raw gold company....

to be continued...

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